degraded pastureland reforestation project

Reforestation project on the Oran Creek

If on your trip, you had the chance to make a difference locally, would you? We would like you to help us out . We have saplings ready to go in the ground, on one of your morning or afternoon excursions, you could help reforest an area with high caloric value fruiting trees.Trees such as Brazil Nut, or palms like the Acai, aguaje or ungurahui.We already have 200 brazil nut tress planted, we are aiming for 500 Brazil nuts and another 1000 palms. The area that will be reforested is an old pasture, compacted soils make it hard to grow trees so we have to dig individual holes in the hills for the brazil nuts.the lower elevation area is on the border of the Oran creek, here it is ideal for palms.Please consider planting a tree in the Amazon during your stay, it will be interesting to have you back to harvest some fruits in ten years!


Those are not Indians!


Take part in Amazon Rainforest Conservation