Umari or (Poraqueiba sericea) also known as Jungle Butter. The thin edible mesocarp has the following properties 2.7% proteins, 21.1% oil/fats,20.1% carbohydrates 0.2% fiber, and 3900mg of caretenoids per 100 g.

Commonly the oily exterior is spread on bread as a substitute for butter. The seed itself is useful for making starch for animal feed. Jungle medicine dictates to cut the seed in half and apply to open wounds to staunch bloodflow.

A very productive tree to plant due to its affinity for the poor clay soils that the Amazon has. As well as the strong growth, it provides plenty of food for local populations during the peak of its fruiting season Jan-May.

Come and visit us at the Amazon River Lodge and stroll the properties, fruiting orchards to see what there is to eat!

Poraqueiba sericea

Poraqueiba sericea

#umari #poraqueibasericea #junglebutter #amazonfruits #fruits #fruity #fruit #localharvest #eatlocal #eatlocalgrown #peru #iquitos #loreto #exoticfruit #sustainable #ecotour #ecotourism #ecolodge #permaculture #breadandbutter #amazonriverlodge #breakfast #food #natural #allnatural


Short-Tailed Hawk


Identification amendment, Pink toe tarantula