Conservation and Preservation may sound the same but there are subtle differences that need to be recognized to fully understand the scope of the words.

A preservationist generally works to preserve something in its original form, unchanged from its origin to remain the same forever. An example would be a Nature Preserve where no activity other than observation is allowed. A preservationist will not permit a single plant to be touched or insect to be swatted.

A conservationists generally works to manage an area, maintain its original status but to use the resource in a wise manner. A conservationist understands that we humans are not separate but part of the natural world, accepting that it is necessary to use resources for the development of our species.

Right now, the world needs more conservationists than preservationists. We need more people to find ways to USE our resources in a sustainable manner. There are too many humans on this planet to deny them food, shelter. In a preservationist mind set, people can die of thirst before they take a drink from the protected stream. We need to be able to use our resources in a sustainable way, or people will suffer tremendously.

You may cringe at the sight of a local Amazonian carrying a dead peccari , but that is his food, he will feed his family and sell a piece so he may have some money to buy soap or a pair of sandals. You may feel bad for the skinned caiman on a table but that is the food they eat! In a managed setting, the extraction of natural resources can be sustainable and profitable.

You may cringe at the sight of a local Amazonian cutting down a hardwood tree. What you may not know though, is that the tree will go to build his shelter where he cares for his family. The tree fall makes a gap in the canopy that allows sunlight to filter down to the forest floor. The extra light now feeds hundreds of other plants below so they too may have a chance to compete. Yes deforestation is rampant but the major players are palm oil, soy and cattle.

After almost 15 years of living beside Amazonians, living like them, being their neighbor and friend. I have come to realize that we can only help point in the right direction which would be backwards!Backwards? Yes! Studies are showing that Ancient Amazonians were much more savvy than thought before. The accounts of the first European explorers were blown off as hallucinations because no one believed that millions of people could have inhabited the "green hell" which they called the Amazon Basin.

It turns out though, that fallacy is being dispelled in areas of clear cut forest that are revealing the remnants of mud metropolis civilizations. The archaeologists are starting to claim the area was heavily populated, and managed to feed the masses (up to 1m people).

How you ask? With permaculture ! Forest was selected or cleared and replanted with tree species that produce high value fruits in the changing seasons. The people also built dams, dikes canals, seemingly to even flood their agricultural land for fertilization.

What needs to be understood is that the forest is manageable and should be managed to suit the apex predator of the earth which is humans. If conservation methods are not improved in the Amazon , the continent is doomed to be clear cut and the few places that are being "preserved" will be ransacked for its wealth when the population feels desperate enough.This is why the forests need to be conserved, permitted to produce food for the people, year round. What food species are good for people are also good for animals so the average loss of biodiversity would be minimum.

Our goals in the future here is to help locals who have titled land to turn their property into legal ACP or Areas of Conservation. These ACPS are backed by the Peruvian government. They can receive immediate assistance from the Government to protect their lands and even use the acp to withdraw government loans for productive projects in the ACP

Productive projects like multi species shade plantataions for rosewood, brazilnut and palms. Or the individual could sell peccari hunting trips for a high price. The Whole wildlife spectrum of the USA is there today thanks to hunters and government conservation programs, try to prove it wrong!


Global Big Day 2018 Team Otorongo


Say no to Souvenirs with Animal Products